Mazi Restaurant — London, UK

Wine glasses on wooden table and chairs at Mazi Restaurant
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London’s new Greek restaurant ‘Mazi’ is off to a promising start. Among its most auspicious list of assets are: a beautiful Notting Hill location; a menu developed by two of Greece’s leading chefs - Athinagoras Kostakos (executive head chef at Bill and Coo in Mykonos) and George Venieris (executive head chef at The Roof Garden Restaurant at the Electra Palace Hotel in Athens) - that delivers a fusion of traditional (Grand Mama’s Meatballs) and contemporary (Rabbit Roll Ragout) Hellenic culinary styles; not to mention an authentic in-house deli, supplying produce from the country’s finest artisans.  The interior design is by recent St Martin’s College MA graduate Sophie Chenevix Trench and the restaurant offers a twenty-four cover back garden, in which diners can sit serenely in the shade of a grape vine canopy. To round things off, an entirely Greek wine list shows a real commitment to the motherland – impressive given that Mazi’s co-owner is French.

Candle on wooden table and hanging light at Mazi Restaurant, London, UK

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12-14 Hillgate Street
Notting Hill
W8 7SR