The Map Room at Claridge’s — London, UK

Claridge’s in London introduces The Map Room.
(Image credit: press)

Bringing the notion of the business centre to a whole new level, Claridge's in London introduces The Map Room. With guests increasingly mixing business with leisure, the space is perfectly in tune with the modern traveller, offering a setting for reading and relaxing as well as meeting with clients. Drawing on the hotel's iconic Art Deco style, British design brand Linley has created a custom-made décor reminiscent of the golden age of travel. A marquetry wall map crafted from macassar and walnut veneer is the lounge's main focal point. The mix of items featured - from handcrafted Transatlantic Chairs and a carpet inspired by American rug designer Marion Dorn, to the laptops, tablets, large wooden bookcase and up-to-date selection of art, fashion and lifestyle titles - is sure to keep guests in the present while giving an impression of past and future.

Featuring Transatlantic Chairs, a carpet, and a large wooden bookcase in the Map Room

(Image credit: press)




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