LLove exhibition, Tokyo

Room with trees and steps
Buried by Yuko Nagayama This space was stripped completely and had become like a desolated ruin. Next, the wooden elements and furniture were buried in white pebbles. This makes the space change instantly as if snow falls in a city landscape; gaps in time and material link up naturally. The pebbles might be difficult to walk on at first, but maybe you will get used to them during your stay. It is like camping out in nature; you adapt yourself to the environment. The space does not adapt itself to you, but you adapt to it. The space awakes a latent natural instinct that everybody appears to carry within but is normally not activated.
(Image credit: Photography Takumi Ota)

We've all been to shows that are so good you don't want to leave, and now, at the LLove exhibition in Tokyo, you don't have to. Located conveniently in Shibuya-ku, if you like what you see, simply check in and stay the night.

Curated by Suzanne Oxenaar (artistic director of the Lloyd Hotel in Amsterdam), LLove consists of 14 guest rooms, as well as a cafe and a shop, all completely refurbished by a selection of eight Dutch and Japanese designers, including Scholten & Baijings, Pieke Bergmans, Richard Hutten and Jo Nagasaka.

Concieved to celebrate 400 years of trade and cultural relations between Japan and the Netherlands, each designer was given complete freedom to do anything to their room. The results range from the surreal to the magnificent, with each designer approaching the concept of a guest room in completely different ways. Richard Hutton for example was determined to design a 7 star hotel room: '3 stars for comfort and an additional 4 stars for experience'. Pieke Bergmans explored the romance and compassion of love with her room, where 'the bed is crawling up the wall, the chair desperately stretching out to get closer to the table, the lights entagngled... everything has fallen in love.'

Equally conceptual were the Japanese designer's interpretations. Yuko Nagayama stripped his room out completely and buried the room in white pebbles 'to awaken a latent natural instinct that everybody appears to carry within but is normally not activated'. While Nakayama played with size, making a replica of the Japanese-style room, blew it up and then put it back in the old room. 'When we tried to stuff something bigger into something smaller, some wrinkes have appeared, but it is the same room. What would have had it grow bigger? Love? I'd like to thing so.'

The rooms, which opened last week, are available to book till the 23 November, and open to the public every day between midday and 3pm.

japanese style bedroom

(Image credit: Photography Takumi Ota)

Little Big Room by Hideyuki Nakayama  We have made a replica of the former, old and dilapidated Japanese-style room. As it is a replica, also the cuts in the pillars, the stains on the ceiling, everything is totally the same. However, the replica has grown a little bit bigger. We tried to put this slightly bigger replica back into the room. Of course, since we tried to stuff something bigger into something smaller, some wrinkles have appeared. But it still is that same room, only slightly bigger. What would have had it grow bigger? Love? I’d like to think so.

japanese style interior

Little Big Room by Hideyuki Nakayama

(Image credit: Photography Takumi Ota)

japanese style bathroom

(Image credit: Photography Takumi Ota)

Rotating Bed by Jo Nagasaka During the Edo period of Japan foreign trade with Western nations was very limited. Trade was only allowed on Deshima, a small artificial island in the bay of Nagasaki. A Dutch trade factory was built there in 1641 and the trade between the two countries started. Every time a Dutch ship would enter the Nagasaki harbor the government of Japan demanded detailed information about Dutch life, culture, science and technology as this was the only way to obtain information about the West. This information was compiled in the so-called fusetsu-gaki, Dutch reports of the world news. A drawing of a cogwheel in one of these reports became very influential in the underworld of Edo society. Nagasaka used this information as a starting point to recreate an illusive space.

bed on floor with white sheets

Rotating Bed by Jo Nagasaka

(Image credit: Photography Takumi Ota)

room with red walls

Fertility by Joep Van Lieshout `
In this safe haven one can relax just like we all did in our first homes, that of the womb. Its soft shapes and forms make for the ultimate experience of Llove in all its shapes and sizes.

(Image credit: Photography Takumi Ota)

japanese style interior

Pond by Ryuji Nakamura 
The original Japanese-style room is left just as it is, but an extra floor has been added which splits the room in two spaces above and under. This floor is created with a special method: it is elastic. Therefore you can stretch it and walk through it. Please think about interesting ways to play with this material, and take a lot of photographs.

(Image credit: Photography Takumi Ota)

japanese style room

Pond by Ryuji Nakamura

(Image credit: Photography Takumi Ota)

pink light near washbasin

(Image credit: Photography Takumi Ota)

Re-creation by Scholten & Baijings A Llove Hotel is an establishment where about half of all sex in Japan takes places,ane where consequently a large part of the country’s offspring are conceived. Looking at the floor plan, we presumed that we had to design a single room?! Therefore the idea arose to focus on fertility issues. Because what if you are single and you want to have a child? Or you are a happy couple that has difficulty getting a love baby. Re-creation..

pink bedroom

Re-creation by Scholten & Baijings

(Image credit: Photography Takumi Ota)

bedroom wall covered with colourful tapes

Llayers Llove hotel by Richard Hutten 
The hotel room designed by Richard Hutten must be seen as an emotional journey. It will be a 7 star hotel room: 3 stars for comfort and an additional 4 stars for experience.

 In the room you’ll find an extension of the layers series Richard started to make in 2008. The center of the room is the ‘Princess on the Pea’, a bed which functions as a place to sleep and rest, but also as table and storage. The bed is the only piece of furniture in the room. On the floor you will find carpet tiles which represent different moods and functions of the hotel room, also represented in a layered manner. On the walls of the room layers of tape complete the look. Some of these tapes were specially made for this room. On one tape you can even leave your mark during your stay, expressing your personal feeling or needs. As an extra layer, referring to the outdoor, you will find some leaves growing on strange places. The room is not suitable for business men on a business trip, but very suitable for tourists not in a hurry, people in love, and everyone who knows how to enjoy life!

(Image credit: Photography Takumi Ota)

Llayers Llove hotel by Richard Hutten  The hotel room designed by Richard Hutten must be seen as an emotional journey. It will be a 7 star hotel room: 3 stars for comfort and an additional 4 stars for experience.  In the room you’ll find an extension of the layers series Richard started to make in 2008. The center of the room is the ‘Princess on the Pea’, a bed which functions as a place to sleep and rest, but also as table and storage. The bed is the only piece of furniture in the room. On the floor you will find carpet tiles which represent different moods and functions of the hotel room, also represented in a layered manner. On the walls of the room layers of tape complete the look. Some of these tapes were specially made for this room. On one tape you can even leave your mark during your stay, expressing your personal feeling or needs. As an extra layer, referring to the outdoor, you will find some leaves growing on strange places. The room is not suitable for business men on a business trip, but very suitable for tourists not in a hurry, people in love, and everyone who knows how to enjoy life!

bed crawling up the wall

(Image credit: Photography Takumi Ota)

in Llove by Pieke Bergmans  The design of the room in the Llove hotel, is about the emotion, the romance and compassion of love. The main object in the room will be light. Light is visible to human but whether visible to the eye or not, a really interesting aspect of light is that we ‘feel’ light. This is because of the electromagnetic radiation of the wave lengths and also the temperature. In many legends sunsets or moonlight are an important and magical part of processes as it touches our emotions. But it’s not just about the light in this room. You think you enter a regular hotel-room, but when you have a closer look, you see that the objects behave peculiar; The bed is crawling up the wall. The chair is desperately stretching out to get closer to the table. The lights are entangled and the toothbrushes are totally into one and another. But what else would you expect from a Llove hotel… everything has fallen in LLove!

white bed with pink pillow

(Image credit: Photography Takumi Ota)

Rooms 309 - 314 by Llove Creative team and Jo Nagasaka The 6 C-type rooms consist of three sets of two neighboring rooms. The guests of these sets can enjoy an ’unrelated connection’ through the subtle mechanisms in these rooms. Every set has its own theme: ’misunderstanding’, ’overwriting’ and ’misinterpretation’. The rooms were designed using these themes by the LLOVE Creative Team together with Jo Nagasaka. In every room works by contemporary artists belonging to galleries affiliated with New Tokyo Contemporaries (Association of second generation galleries in Tokyo) are exhibited.

bedroom with white walls

Rooms 309 - 314 by Llove Creative team and Jo Nagasaka

(Image credit: Photography Takumi Ota)

neighboring room with white walls

Rooms 309 - 314 by Llove Creative team and Jo Nagasaka

(Image credit: Photography Takumi Ota)

japanese style bathroom

Bathroom gallery, Yokujo
YOKUJO features an art gallery in a Japanese style bathroom. (Only hotel guests can make use of the bathroom)

(Image credit: Photography Takumi Ota)

hotel cafe with pink and red wall

The hotel’s cafe where food is served using ingredients from the Nara Prefecture

(Image credit: Photography Takumi Ota)

animal statue in hotel cafe

The hotel’s cafe

(Image credit: Photography Takumi Ota)

shop with wooden drawers

Shop, where a selection of goods from Japan and the Netherlands are for sale

(Image credit: Photography Takumi Ota)

entrance to exhibition

The entrance to the LLove exhibition

(Image credit: Photography Takumi Ota)

studio building exterior

The Daikanyama i Studio, where Llove takes place, seen from the street, in Shibuya-ku

(Image credit: Photography Takumi Ota)


Daikanyama i Studio
Ebisu-nishi 1-36-10