Element by Cecil Balmond, Tokyo

three-dimensional puzzle
'Danzer' by Cecil Balmond, a giant three-dimensional puzzle created out of four kinds of tetrahedrons.
(Image credit: Cecil Balmond)

Engineer Cecil Balmond - of Arup’s cutting-edge Advanced Geometry Unit - is perhaps best-known for high-profile collaborations with architects such as Rem Koolhaas, Toyo Ito and Alvaro Siza. His influence upon architectural thinking though extends far beyond clever engineering.

Combining studies in chemistry, mathematics and architecture, Balmond opened up new architectural routes, making what was once impossible, possible. He has developed a means of handling extremely complex architectural compositions. Inspired by natural structures, Balmond has created algorithms and new geometries, designed to free up architectural forms.

Balmond’s latest exhibition, Element, in Tokyo’s Opera City Gallery offers an in-depth presentation of his innovative approach. The show comprises three parts. In the first, Balmond avoids relying too heavily on architectural models or technical drawings, encouraging visitors to explore, in greater depth, how the engineer adapts organic forms into geometric structures.

The second section explores how a complex organic rhythm and language can be applied to building design. Two installations on site – H_edge, a labyrinthine structure made entirely out of H-shaped aluminium plates and chains, and Danzer, a giant three-dimensional puzzle created out of four kinds of tetrahedrons – showcase how such a method can be applied to large scale construction, bringing a building
to life.

The final instalment of the show runs through a number of the best-known examples of Balmond’s work, from projects in Taichung and the Emirates, to recent bridge designs.

Beautiful and immersive, the installations offer visitors an insight into Balmond’s forward-looking methods, which reintroduce both organic forms alongside architectural technologies and compositions.

Three-dimensional puzzle

'Danzer' (foreground) and H_edge (background) by Cecil Balmond.

(Image credit: Cecil Balmond)

Artwork with aluminium plates and chains

'H_edge' by Cecil Balmond, a labyrinthine structure made entirely out of H-shaped aluminium plates and chains.

(Image credit: Cecil Balmond)

Artwork with aluminium plates and chains

An installation shot of 'Danzer' and 'H_edge', both of which showcase how a complex organic rhythm and language can be applied to building design.

(Image credit: press)

Artwork with aluminium plates and chains

Within Balmond's intricately sculptural 'H_edge'.

(Image credit: press)

Artwork with aluminium plates and chains

An interior shot of 'H_edge'.

(Image credit: press)

Artwork with aluminium plates and chains

'Danzer' (foreground) and 'H_edge' (background).

(Image credit: press)

Presentation of work by Arup

Presentation of a selection of work by Arup - where Balmond is part of the cutting-edge Advanced Geometry Unit.

(Image credit: press)

Presentation of work by Arup

Presentation of a selection of work by Arup.

(Image credit: press)

nature for engineering

The first section of the exhibition, explaining how Balmond looks to nature for engineering inspiration.

(Image credit: press)

Exhibition view

The first section of the exhibition.

(Image credit: press)

Exhibition view

The first section of the exhibition

(Image credit: press)

Project wall

A section of the Arup project wall.

(Image credit: press)

Test printing

Test printing in preparation for the show.

(Image credit: press)

self-adhesive prints

A selection of self-adhesive prints, used in the preparation for the show.

(Image credit: press)

Tokyo's Opera City Gallery view

'Element' gradually comes together in Tokyo's Opera City Gallery.

(Image credit: press)

sculpture room view

The Sculpture room taking shape.

(Image credit: press)

sculpture room view

The Sculpture room taking shape.

(Image credit: press)

Sculpture making

Constructing Balmond's 'H_edge' sculpture.

(Image credit: press)

Sculpture making

Constructing Balmond's 'H_edge' sculpture.

(Image credit: press)

Sculpture making

Constructing Balmond's 'Danzer' sculpture.

(Image credit: press)

sketch of H_edge

A sketch showing the basic elements of 'H_edge'.

(Image credit: press)


Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery

3-20-2 Nishi-Shinjuku
Tokyo 163-1403



Ellie Stathaki is the Architecture & Environment Director at Wallpaper*. She trained as an architect at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece and studied architectural history at the Bartlett in London. Now an established journalist, she has been a member of the Wallpaper* team since 2006, visiting buildings across the globe and interviewing leading architects such as Tadao Ando and Rem Koolhaas. Ellie has also taken part in judging panels, moderated events, curated shows and contributed in books, such as The Contemporary House (Thames & Hudson, 2018), Glenn Sestig Architecture Diary (2020) and House London (2022).