Modern Latin American architecture through the lens of Leonardo Finotti

Showcasing modern Latin American architecture
Galerie 94 in Baden, Switzerland, presents the work of Brazilian photographer Leonardo Finotti showcasing modern Latin American architecture
(Image credit: Leonardo Finotti)

'Latin America Collection', the exhibition now on show at Galerie 94 in the Swiss town of Baden, is both the culmination of an 8-year long project and the starting point of an ongoing series of books by Leonardo Finotti, the leading Brazilian photographer whose work has become a worldwide benchmark for architectural photography.

As part of a survey of Latin American modern architecture, Finotti was enlisted in 2008 by MoMA’s chief curator Barry Bergdoll, to capture his native region's cityscapes, with a focus on modernist structures from between 1930 and 1980. From this mammoth effort nearly a hundred images of public and private modernist and contemporary structures emerged, turning this project into a monumental archive.

The selection of images on view at Galerie 94 were previously exhibited in three other exhibitions – in São Paolo, Brazil and Buenos Aires, Argentina – curated by Michelle Jean de Castro. Now as then, Finotti's photographs are presented in a sequence at eye-level, on a horizontal line, conveying to the viewer a sense of overlooking a horizon from which buildings materialise.

But while plenty of imposing metropolitan structures feature in his shots, Finotti doesn’t eschew the organically grown city sprawls; those chaotic examples of human activity that hold up a mirror to urban planners' powerlessness in the face of explosive population growth. His series of photographs of football fields amidst the slums brings home the potentially harsh nature of public spaces, especially after eager trampling by street kids playing soccer.

The book that accompanies the retrospective, edited by Lars Müller Publishers, makes the most of Finotti's straightforward yet grand style by spacing the images out page per page, drawing the eye to each structure's architectural axes and each photograph's geometrical composition.

Three different past exhibitions on the photographer's work

This retrospective brings together material from three different past exhibitions on the photographer's work, previously shown in Brazil and Argentina

(Image credit: Leonardo Finotti)

Building typologies, and both colour and black-and-white prints

The solo show spans different building typologies, and both colour and black-and-white prints, curated by Michelle Jean de Castro

(Image credit: Leonardo Finotti)

Destinations such as Bogotá, Mexico City and Havana

Work includes the photography of architecture from destinations such as Bogotá, Mexico City and Havana

(Image credit: Leonardo Finotti)

Lars Müller Publishers and focusing on Finotti's work

A new book, published by Lars Müller Publishers and focusing on Finotti's work, is also available

(Image credit: Leonardo Finotti)

Finotti's ongoing series on modern Latin American architecture

The works shown are part of Finotti's ongoing series on modern Latin American architecture

(Image credit: Leonardo Finotti)

’Leonardo Finotti: Latin America Collection’ is on show at Galerie 94 until the 2nd October 2016. For more information visit the photographer’s website


Galerie 94 


Siska Lyssens has contributed to Wallpaper* since 2014, covering design in all its forms – from interiors to architecture and fashion. Now living in the U.S. after spending almost a decade in London, the Belgian journalist puts her creative branding cap on for various clients when not contributing to Wallpaper* or T Magazine.