The Art of Lost Words, London

The Art of Lost Words, London
(Image credit: Press)

It’s a mystery why words ever become 'forgotten'. Design, clothes, haircuts – even slang - we understand (though don't always agree with); anything that was a hallmark of the time in which it was deemed cool, quickly outdates. Good, honest words though you’d think might be safe from the fleeting whimsy of fashion.

The Art of Lost Words, London

(Image credit: Press)

See more resurrected words

But this isn’t the case. Have you ever heard of the word ‘redamancy’? Probably not, yet the act of loving someone in return (the definition of redamancy) hasn’t become so rare that there’s no longer need for a single word to define it.

text/gallery, a new venture that seeks to explore the relationship between words, art and design has, quite literally, taken the matter in hand. For its inaugural exhibition they’ve commissioned over 40 new works by as many artists and designers inspired by ‘forgotten’ words.

Sam Winston, SPIN and Why Not Associates are just three of the brilliant group who’ve rolled up their sleeves and given new life to the lost words. The collection is on show for just 4 days (from 5th to 9th March) at the German Gymnasium in London, and, in a sweet attempt to make sure the rediscovered words don’t return to their forgotten fate once more, proceeds from the sales are being donated to the National Literacy Trust.


The German Gym
Pancras Road
London NW1 2TB