Peter Cook Wallpaper* cover

Blue and green cartoon on an orange background
(Image credit: TBC)

For the issue hosting our biggest architectural project of the year – our annual Architects Directory – we felt it only appropriate we dedicate our limited edition cover to architecture. And who better to take on the task than Archigram-founding member, renowned architect and professor Sir Peter Cook?

Graphics including a woman's face, hot air balloons and the word "glamour" on a black background

(Image credit: TBC)

Click here to see a selection of illustrations from Archigram's archive.

When the drawing reached our offices needless to say we were thrilled. Cook’s distinguished drawing style, his known fascination with high-tech objects, futuristic cities, and their increasingly timely juxtaposition with nature, were all indisputably present.

‘The combinations of technical apparatus - and the latest developments in materials and techniques that can create a 'conditioned environment' have always been central to my work,’ said Cook. He continued, ‘In this new drawing I move into two parallel modes of speculation; that the 'city is a jungle' might be interpreted physically or (contrastingly); that the jungle outside there might be hostile, the countryside uninhabitable and the city returns to being a castle-city as in former times. Nonetheless it can peer out towards the wider world.’