Matthieu Lavanchy interview

View of Hyères from the Villa Noailles
View of Hyères from the Villa Noailles
(Image credit: Matthieu Lavanchy)

Wallpaper* contributor Matthieu Lavanchy won the Photography Grand Jury Prize at the Hyères Festival International de Mode & de Photographie 2010 for his Mr. Schuhlmann series. Here, the Swiss photographer talks about creating the works and the story behind them.

You have used strong flash lighting in your Mr. Schuhlmann series. Was this


Yes. I believe light is an integral part of the overall meaning of an image. In this

case I wanted the pictures to feel like a report, as if someone had documented what they had seen in a very straightforward way.

Who is Mr. Schuhlmann?

Mr. Schuhlmann is both an allegorical figure and the embodiment of Mr. Everyman. He was a way of personifying concepts that I had in my head. I chose an ordinary name for him because I wanted to highlight that his paranoid behaviour and thoughts are more ordinary than one might think. He's a bit crazy, but at the same time, very familiar. He could be a neighbour who has just gone off the rails a bit. This fictional character has enabled me to structure my work. By imagining myself inside his head, imagining how and why he would have created these installations, I was able to give coherent form to my ideas.

Is there a thread of the autobiographical in your Mr. Schuhlmann series?

Not really. I consider it more like a critique.

Can you tell us about the setting of the story? Where is it and did you style the

images yourself?

I was looking for places that had a 1960s and 1970s feel to them. At this time, interior decoration was suposed to turn your home into a paradise, an eden where you could retreat. I thought it would be interesting to set the story in this type of 'ideal' environment. So I convinced some friends of my grandparents, my old nanny, et cetera, to lend me their flats. Then, yes, I styled the images myself, sometimes using what was available on the locations, sometimes adding things myself.

What inspired the sense of fear that the images convey?

Well, we live in an age when we are bombarded by violent and dramatic images from the mass media and the entertainment industry. These images become part of our everyday life and create an inescapable climate of fear. My aim with this work was to make a commentary on these overprotective and paranoid times that we live in.

What is your next photographic step?

I would like to take the construction aspect of my work further. For the new project that I am working on now, I am going to build all of the furniture myself especially for the photographs.

Where are you based and how does the city you live in affect your work?

I currently live in Lausanne, in Switzerland. It affects my work in terms of practicality and access. Here, I know where to find everything I need for my pictures, and this usually means a lot of things! I know all the thrift stores, the DIY stores, the dumps, the empty houses, apartments, et cetera.

Who, what or where has been your biggest inspiration to your career?

Theatre decorations, movie sets, window displays, interior design. I like it when all the elements of a calculated set-up work together to form a narrative and a sense-generating whole. All in all, I guess I am inspired by the dramatic power of space.

If you weren't a photographer, how would you spend your time?

I would still do the constructions just for fun!

Outside Villa Noailles

Outside Villa Noailles

(Image credit: Matthieu Lavanchy)

Jean-Paul Lespagnard’s tree house

Jean-Paul Lespagnard’s tree house

(Image credit: Matthieu Lavanchy)

Portfolio reviews at Villa Noailles

Portfolio reviews at Villa Noailles

(Image credit: Matthieu Lavanchy)

Portfolio reviews at Villa Noailles

Portfolio reviews at Villa Noailles

(Image credit: Matthieu Lavanchy)

Interview with Robin Schwartz

Linus Bild exhibition

(Image credit: Matthieu Lavanchy)

Interview with Robin Schwartz

Walter Pfieffer’s ’Mischievous’ exhibition

(Image credit: Matthieu Lavanchy)

Interview with Robin Schwartz

Walter Pfieffer's 'Mischievous' exhibition

(Image credit: Matthieu Lavanchy)

Interview with Robin Schwartz

’Mr. Schuhlmann or the Man in the High Castle’ by Matthieu Lavanchy, 2009

(Image credit: Matthieu Lavanchy)

’Mr. Schuhlmann or the Man in the High Castle’ by Matthieu Lavanchy, 2009

’Mr. Schuhlmann or the Man in the High Castle’ by Matthieu Lavanchy, 2009

(Image credit: Matthieu Lavanchy)

Interview with Robin Schwartz

’Mr. Schuhlmann or the Man in the High Castle’ by Matthieu Lavanchy, 2009

(Image credit: Matthieu Lavanchy)

Mr. Schuhlmann or the Man in the High Castle

’Mr. Schuhlmann or the Man in the High Castle’ by Matthieu Lavanchy, 2009

(Image credit: Matthieu Lavanchy)

Interview with Robin Schwartz

’Mr. Schuhlmann or the Man in the High Castle’ by Matthieu Lavanchy, 2009

(Image credit: Matthieu Lavanchy)

Mr. Schuhlmann or the Man in the High Castle

’Mr. Schuhlmann or the Man in the High Castle’ by Matthieu Lavanchy, 2009

(Image credit: Matthieu Lavanchy)

Interview with Robin Schwartz

’Mr. Schuhlmann or the Man in the High Castle’ by Matthieu Lavanchy, 2009

(Image credit: Matthieu Lavanchy)

Carriage House Waterfall’ by Robin Schwartz, 2005.

’Carriage House Waterfall’ by Robin Schwartz, 2005.

(Image credit: M+B)

Touch’ by Robin Schwartz, 2005

’Touch’ by Robin Schwartz, 2005.

(Image credit: M+B)

’Tower’ by Robin Schwartz, 2006.

’Tower’ by Robin Schwartz, 2006.

(Image credit: M+B)

’Investigation’ by Robin Schwartz, 2007

’Investigation’ by Robin Schwartz, 2007.

(Image credit: M+B)

Elmo, Amelia and Abu’ by Robin Schwartz, 2002

’Elmo, Amelia and Abu’ by Robin Schwartz, 2002.

(Image credit: M+B)

Interview with Robin Schwartz

’Peter Kyomuhendo’ by Yann Gross, from the Kitintale series.

(Image credit: Yann Gross)

Interview with Robin Schwartz

’Douglas, Frontside Indy’ by Yann Gross, from the Kitintale series.

(Image credit: Yann Gross)

Interview with Robin Schwartz

’Bosco Lypsonnie’ by Yann Gross, from the Kitintale series.

(Image credit: Yann Gross)

Interview with Robin Schwartz

’Joseph in Luzira’ by Yann Gross, from the Kitintale series.

(Image credit: Yann Gross)

Interview with Robin Schwartz

’Skatepark’ by Yann Gross, from the Kitintale series.

(Image credit: Yann Gross)

Interview with Robin Schwartz

’Christine Sawunda’ by Yann Gross, from the Kitintale series.

(Image credit: Yann Gross)

Interview with Robin Schwartz

’Frontside Handplant’ by Yann Gross, from the Kitintale series.

(Image credit: Yann Gross)

Interview with Robin Schwartz

’Gilbert Mwebe’ by Yann Gross, from the Kitintale series.

(Image credit: Yann Gross)

Interview with Robin Schwartz

’Bashiri Ngombi & his mother’ by Yann Gross, from the Kitintale series.

(Image credit: Yann Gross)

'Musa on Kirkeka Road' by Yann Gross, from the Kitintale series.

’Musa on Kirkeka Road’ by Yann Gross, from the Kitintale series.

(Image credit: Yann Gross)