The Household Box

The Household Box
The Household Box, an eccentric household manual-game-novelty devised, designed and published by Julian Rothenstein, founder of Redstone Press
(Image credit: Julian Rothenstein)

Some time ago a teenager called Lucien Rothenstein made a sign for his bedroom door that said: 'I'm fine, just get on with your own life'. Signs like this aren't likely to go unnoticed, and as it happened, Lucien's caught the eye of his father Julian, who so happens to be the founder of Redstone Press, one of the more inventive publishers operating in the UK.

The elder Rothenstein was inspired to design his own, similarly cheeky doorknob cards - one that says 'Keys? Phone? Sense of humour?' on one side and 'Cleaning in progress' on the other, for instance. Then, in collaboration with the journalist, writer and translator Will Hobson, he devised an eccentric household manual-game-novelty and has now published it in a package he called the Household Box.

As it turns out, Lucien's original invention never made it into the box. Still, there is - as they say - something for everyone here: directions and maps for transforming your home into a Buddhist cave, an artist's studio or a shopping mall; 'notes to self' that bear daily aphorisms; doorknob cards that warn visitors when you're asleep or irritable.

According to Redstone, the Household Box is designed to make home life more interesting, dramatic and enjoyable. Whether it does all that depends on your sense of humour (and your design aesthetic). What it does guarantee is an unexpected and interesting response from anyone who uses it; no two families are likely to tackle it in the same way.

leaning in progress’ on the other, for instance, and soon the idea for the Household Box was born

(Image credit: Julian Rothenstein)

The project was inspired by a sign Rothenstein’s son made for his bedroom, stating: ’I’m fine, just get on with your own life.’ The publisher was compelled to design his own, similarly cheeky doorknob cards - one that says ’Keys? Phone? Sense of humour?’ on one side and ’Cleaning in progress’ on the other, for instance, and soon the idea for the Household Box was born

Inside the box are tools like the ’Domestic Exchange Rate’ dial

Inside the box are tools like the ’Domestic Exchange Rate’ dial, enabling you to exchange various chores like cleaning the bathroom for a benefit like breakfast in bed

(Image credit: Julian Rothenstein)

I Shall Live Today Like’ dial to live your life

If you are stuck about what to do next, use the ’I Shall Live Today Like’ dial to live your life according to inspirational characters, such as Andy Warhol

(Image credit: Andy Warhol)

yellow coloured dail with numbers

’When In Doubt’ gives you ideas like ’learn a poem by heart’ or ’return something you’ve borrowed’

(Image credit: Julian Rothenstein)

box for room labelling

The box comes complete with ’Room Name Cards’ with which you can label different rooms in your house

(Image credit: Julian Rothenstein)

An alternative ’Room Name Card’

An alternative ’Room Name Card’

(Image credit: Julian Rothenstein)